@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019943, author = {奈良, 郁子 and 渡邊, 隆広 and 掛川, 武 and 中村, 俊夫 and 河合, 崇欣 and Nara, Watanabe Fumiko and Watanabe, Takahiro and Kakegawa, Takeshi and Nakamura, Toshio and Kawai, Takayoshi}, journal = {名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書}, month = {Mar}, note = {Lake Baikal sediment cores record the paleoclimatic and biological changes in the continental area corresponding with the global and local climate changes. The global climate records, such as the Younger Dryas event, the Dansgaard-Oeshger cycles and the Heinrich events during the late Quaternary period, have been also observed from the Lake Baikal sediment core. However, the climate response corresponding with the melt water puls-19Ka (MWP-19Ka) has not been observed yet from the Lake Baikal sediment core. Here we show the rapid changes of the sedimentation rate in Lake Baikal sediment core (VER99G12) at around 19 cal ka BP, which were recovered from the 14C analysis of total organic carbon. The sampling site of VER99G12 is located in front of the Selenga River, which provides the largest inflow into the lake. Therefore, the sediment core in this study was mainly composed of the deposition from the Selenga River watershed. Radiocarbon measurements were carried out using the Tandetron AMS system (Model-4130, HVEE) in Center for Chronological Research, Nagoya University. High-time resolution 14C data sets from the sediment core revealed the rapid increase in sedimentation rate corresponding with the global climate warming (MWP-19Ka). The change of grain size and the K/Ti atomic ratios in the core also responded at the period as well. These results suggest the increase in the precipitation in the continental area at around 19000 years ago., 最終氷期最盛期(Last Glacial Maximum: LGM、26.5-19.0 ka, Clark et al., 2009) において、海水準は現在よりも最大約130m低下していたことが報告されている(Yokoyama et al., 2011)。海洋堆積物やサンゴの年代測定結果より、LGM以降から現在の海水準へ上昇するまでの間、急激な海水準上昇イベントが3度(約19,000年前、約14,500年前、約11,500年前)発生したと推定されている(Deschamps et al., 2012; Peltierand Fairbanks 2006; Yokoyama et al., 2000). 一方でこれらの急激な海水準上昇期に、大陸内部における水循環変動がどのように変化したかについては、未だ良く分かっていない.ユーラシア大陸南東部、シベリア地域に位置するバイカル湖は、その地理的特性から地球上で最も鋭敏に日射量変動を受ける地域に位置しており、バイカル湖の湖底堆積物を用いて、特に第四紀の大陸域における環境変動および生物活動変遷が復元されてきた(e.g. Horiuchi et al., 2000, Watanebe et al., 2004, Nara et al., 2014). 本研究では、バイカル湖から採取された堆積物試料(VER99G12、堆積物試料長さ466cm) を用いて、堆積速度の変化からLGM 以降における降水量変動の推定を行い、急激な海水準上昇期に対応した大陸域での降水量増加を明らかにした., 名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム報告}, pages = {51--54}, title = {海水準増加期に対応したバイカル湖堆積物(VER99G12)の急激な堆積速度変化}, volume = {26}, year = {2015} }