@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019968, author = {星野, フサ and 岡, 孝雄 and 近藤, 務 and 中村, 俊夫 and 関根, 達夫 and 米道, 博 and 山崎, 芳樹 and 乾, 哲也 and 奈良, 智法 and Hoshino, Fusa and Oka, Takao and Kondo, Tsutomu and Nakamura, Toshio and Sekine, Tatsuo and Yonemichi, Hiroshi and Yamazaki, Yoshiki and Inui, Tetsuya and Nara, Tomonori}, journal = {名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書}, month = {Mar}, note = {The pollen spectrum of the ca. Nj-Os ash layer from the AZK-5 core at a depth of 11.5m indicated Larix, Picea, and ASTERACEAE, from a somewhat frigid environment. The pollen spectrum of the AZK-101 core from a 53.42m to 52m depth at the mouth of the Azuma River area also showed Abies, Larix, and Picea, extant in a somewhat frigid environment. By AMS14C dating, we conclude that this period should best be called the Younger Dryas. This Younger Dryas a little cold age in Hokkaido began ca.12,000 cal.BP and may have continued for ca. 600 years in Hokkaido. Though Osmunda cinnamomea grows densely in cool and wet areas, it does not grow now study area. But the pollen spectrum the ATP-2 and ATP-3 core (depth of 12.3m) in the Tomisato area showed Osmunda extant in wet land, along with Alnus and Quercus, . The pollen zone of ATP-2-9 also showed an increase of some Picea. AMS14C dating indicated ca. 8,333 yrs cal.BP.: Mean: 8260 cal.BP at a depth of 13.47m. No pollen was found from 12.78m to 13.55m, as the land may have been a pond. The core at 8.69m, 5.09m, 2.3m and 0.59m showed Sphagnum to have grown on high land poorly nutrified, at intervals of 2,000 years., 厚真川下流域のAZK-5コアはグイマツを含む針葉樹林の存在を示し,AZK-101コアの深度53.42mから深度52mはハイマツを欠落したグイマツを伴う針葉樹林が存在していたが気候の温暖化の兆しがある. ここをAMS14C年代測定した結果ヤンガヤードリアス小寒冷期の堆積物であると判明した. 富里地区の13.55mの堆積物は平地にハンノキ林,丘にコナラ属林があったことを示す. また,今は付近に存在しないゼンマイ属が繁栄していたが,高層湿原に多く出現する蘇苔類ミズゴケの進出期が4回あり,そのうちの古い方の2回の間隔は約2000年である., 名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム報告}, pages = {73--78}, title = {北海道厚真川流域のボーリングによる60m長コア(AZK-101 孔), 20m長コア(AZK-5)および13m長コア(ATP-2, 3)のAMS14C年代測定と花粉分析の意義 : 厚真川流域の沖積層研究2014年度(その2)}, volume = {26}, year = {2015} }