@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019977, author = {小嶋, 智 and 永田, 秀尚 and 植木, 岳雪 and 沼本, 晋也 and 池田, 晃子 and 中村, 俊夫 and 木戸, 豊大 and 大谷, 具幸 and Kojima, Satoru and Nagata, Hidehisa and Ueki, Takeyuki and Numamoto, Shinya and Ikeda, Akiko and Nakamura, Toshio and Kido, Toyohiro and Ohtani, Tomoyuki}, journal = {名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書}, month = {Mar}, note = {Lithology and AMS14C ages of sediments accumulated in the dammed lake along the upper reach of the Sono River, Odai-cho, Mie Prefecture, central Japan are described at the two surface exposures and on the one drill core. The sediments are composed of bedded and laminated mud, silt and sand, top of which is covered by the debris flow deposits. Part of the laminations are interpreted as varves showing cyclic sedimentation of medium- to fine-grained clastic materials and very fine-graind clastics, algae, and siderite. Sporadic coarse-grained clastic interbeds showing graded bedding indicate the sedimentary events transporting the materials from the upper part of the basin by the turbidity corrents. The AMS 14C ages of wood fragments from the surface exposures range from 20440 to 20910 BP, while those from drill cores are from 21100 to 211900 BP. These ages indicate the sediment accumulation rate of the dammed lake is ca 20 mm/year., 地すべりにより形成された天然ダムは上流側にせき止め湖を形成する.三重県大台町の薗川上流では,過去のせき止め湖を埋積したせき止め湖堆積物が地表の2カ所で観察される.また,地表露頭の上流側で掘削したボーリングコアは,地表から深度約17mまでが土石流堆積物,その下位の深度約33mまでがせき止め湖堆積物からなる.せき止め湖堆積物は,層理・葉理の発達した泥層・シルト層からなり,砂層や礫質泥層を挟む.葉理の少なくとも一部は,砕屑粒子を含む粗粒部とシデライト濃集部を伴う細粒部からなり,年稿であると解釈できる.挟まれる粗粒層は級化層理を示し,上流部で発生したイベントによる堆積物と思われる.せき止め湖堆積物に含まれる木片の14C年代は,約20,000~22,000 BPで,せき止め湖堆積物の堆積速度は20mm/年程度と推定される., 名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム報告}, pages = {108--113}, title = {三重県多気郡大台町薗川上流のせき止め湖堆積物の層相と年代}, volume = {26}, year = {2015} }