@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000147, author = {鷲見, 幸美 and SUMI, Yukimi and 松浦, 光 and MATSUURA, Hikaru}, journal = {名古屋大学人文学研究論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {A “conceptual metaphor” is a metaphor of conceptualization that is not of language but construal. Lakoff and Johnson (1980: 56) claim that most of the normal conceptual system is metaphorically structured, that is, most concepts are partially understood in terms of other concepts. The essence of this claim is to understand abstract and elusive objects through concrete things that are rich in bodily experience and well understood. Individuals are usually not conscious of conceptual metaphors because conceptualization is a metaphor. Eliciting conceptual metaphors in school textbooks and providing them to teachers and supporters as a reference could help culturally and linguistically diverse students who have difficulty comprehending abstract words and in subject learning. This paper discusses making a list of conceptual metaphors and metaphorical expressions in school textbooks to use as a reference to teach and support subject learning. First, it gives examples of metaphorical expressions and hidden conceptual metaphors in school textbooks. Second, it argues that the list could be useful to facilitate culturally and linguistically diverse students’ comprehension of abstracts words based on bodily experiences and allows them to systematically comprehend vocabulary., 本研究は、文部科学省の科学研究費(課題番号:18K18641)の助成を受けて行われている。}, pages = {207--215}, title = {概念メタファー理論に基づいた教科学習支援 : 抽象語の理解に向けて}, volume = {4}, year = {2021} }