@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001030, author = {真川, 明美 and SHINKAWA, Akemi}, journal = {名古屋大学人文学フォーラム, Humanities Forum, Nagoya University}, month = {Mar}, note = {In 749, Pope Zachary received the envoys of Pepin, the mayor of the palace of the Frankish kingdom. They inquired of him; Was it right or not that the king of Franks had absolutely no power but nevertheless possessed the royal office? Zachary responded that he who had the power ought to be king in order to maintain public order. This gave Pepin a good excuse for ousting Merovingian legitimate successor from the throne; accordingly, he successfully became the Frankish king. Zachary’s response indicates his view of secular rulers; what he regarded the most important thing as ‘the makings of sovereign.’ It was the enough power that the ruler maintains the public order to control and protect their people, lands and faith. This paper examines how his view of secular rulers was formed, analyzing and comparing with those of the authors of the Liber pontificalis: a book of popes’ biographies, to other secular rulers in the sixth - eighth century sections. Christianity had been decriminalized by emperors in 313, Roman Church had enjoyed the protection of the Empire, and had been loyal to emperors ever since, even if there had been some conflicts between the emperors and the popes. On one hand the authors of the Liber pontificalis didn’t forget protocol as far as they regarded the emperors, including usurpers, as protectors of Orthodoxy, and endured their tyrannical behavior; on the other hand, if they judged them to be enemies of Got, they unsparingly labeled them as heresies. The authors tell us their views of secular rulers. This examination shows that Pope Zachary’s view of his secular rulers reflects those of the authors of Liber pontificalis.}, pages = {77--92}, title = {『ローマ教皇伝』におけるビザンツ皇帝 : ローマ教会による支配者認識をめぐって}, volume = {4}, year = {2021} }