@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001036, author = {劉, 罡 and LIU, Gang}, journal = {名古屋大学人文学フォーラム, Humanities Forum, Nagoya University}, month = {Mar}, note = {After Japan’s defeat in Manchuria in 1945, the male leaders of the Kurokawa settlement sent 15 unmarried women to a unit of the Soviet army in exchange for protection of the whole group of Japanese settlers. At that time the settlement’s chiefs determined their task as “entertainment” (settai 接待) for Soviet soldiers. The women were prohibited to talk about their experience after the war. However, in 2013, one of the 15 women began making public statements about her sufferings. Later, the war experience of the 15 women from Kurokawa settlement gradually received public attention in Japanese society. Especially in 2018, the local society praised these 15 unmarried women as heroes of the settler group for the first time and built a memorial monument for them. This article discusses the narrative of war experience of Kurokawa female settlers. In particular, it explored how the experience became a heroic narrative in the local society. The article consists of three sections. The first section introduced the history of the Kurokawa settlement and summarized the shortcomings of the previous studies. The second section explored the mechanism of how the women’s experience became a heroic narrative through the analysis of the monument. Finally, the third section quoted some testimonies of another woman from the same group to show the exceptional nature of this mechanism.}, pages = {169--184}, title = {満洲引揚者の戦争体験の語られ方 : 黒川開拓団女性の英雄物語の構築を中心に}, volume = {4}, year = {2021} }