@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001111, author = {FUJITA, Shinya}, issue = {E21-3}, journal = {Economic Research Center Discussion Paper E-Series}, month = {Apr}, note = {This study presents a theoretical framework that connects functional income distribution and personal income distribution from the Kaleckian perspective and investigates the effects of changes in mark-up rate and of monetary policy on income inequality in terms of the Gini coefficient. The results demonstrate that a rise in the mark-up rate with weak bargaining power of workers raises the Gini coefficient irrespective of a profit-led or wage-led demand regime. The analyses also demonstrate that a decline in the interest rate with monetary easing negatively affects the Gini coefficient if and only if the bargaining power of workers is sufficiently strong.}, pages = {1--33}, title = {Income inequality in terms of a Gini coefficient : A Kaleckian perspective}, year = {2021} }