@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001123, author = {須賀, 永帰 and SUGA, Eiki}, journal = {名古屋大学博物館報告, Bulletin of the Nagoya University Museum}, month = {Mar}, note = {管沢遺跡は長野県木曽町(旧開田村)に所在する縄文時代の遺跡で,出土した有尾式の縄文土器から前期中葉の遺跡とされている.1961 年に名古屋大学考古学研究室によって発掘調査が行われ,その成果は1966 年に報告された.しかしながら,報告は概要が示されただけで,総合的な資料報告には至らなかった.そこで本論では1961年の調査時に出土した遺物を,特に石器に重点を置いて報告する.整理した管沢遺跡の資料と周辺の遺跡とを比較してみると,管沢遺跡の石鏃の石材は多様で,特にチャート製の割合が高い.他にも下呂石製や黒曜石製,玉髄製の石鏃も出土しており,これらの石材の産地を同定することで,当時の縄文人の資源に対する多様な行動を明らかにできることが期待される., Kudasawa archaeological site is located in Kiso town (former Kaida village) of Nagano prefecture, Japan, and is known for the discovery of Jomon pottery of the Ario type that belongs to the middle phase of the Early Jomon period. In 1961, the site was excavated by the Department of Archaeology of Nagoya University, and the summary description was preliminary reported in 1966, though a full list of the discovery is yet to be reported. Here we report detailed lists of the archaeological assemblages of the excavation in 1966, especially focusing on chipped stone artifacts. The comparison of lithic assemblages between Kudasawa site and nearby Jomon sites indicate that arrowheads of Kudasawa site are characterized by the use of diverse stone raw materials including chert as the most common raw material type, followed by obsidian, rhyolite, and chalcedony. Future studies for the identification of these raw material sources are necessary to clarify lithic resource exploitation strategies by Jomon foragers in this region.}, pages = {11--34}, title = {長野県木曽町(旧開田村)管沢遺跡出土資料の報告}, volume = {36}, year = {2021} }