@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001319, author = {DUANGTAVANH, Sunnti}, journal = {国際開発研究フォーラム, Forum of International Development Studies}, month = {Feb}, note = {This study characterizes Lao human resource management (LHRM) and investigates the extent of its convergence towards global practices. After conducting research on employment management practices in four Lao manufacturing firms, the study has found that some convergence towards formal HRM practices has occurred in general, but at a slow pace, and tendencies to adopt a paternalistic approach to management remain. This suggests that Lao firms have begun to recognize the importance, and impact, of HRM practices on organizational performance. Such recognition will allow for potential changes in organizational management, behavior, culture, and way firms operate in terms of people management. However, the degree of convergence leaves the key question, "will organizational transformation move further towards high involvement type practices, where long-term employment, internal labor market and unions are still the norms of employment relations planning?" This study recommends that these norms of employment relations be further explored because they will likely pose a great challenge to performance-based HRM policies and practices.}, pages = {87--113}, title = {Convergence of Lao Human Resource Management : Lessons from Four Firms}, volume = {31}, year = {2006} }