@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001596, author = {西田, 喜一 and NISHIDA, Yoshikazu}, issue = {1}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Educational Sciences}, month = {Oct}, note = {Regarding local public education, there is an ongoing debate regarding the creation and administration of a board of education system based on resident autonomy. This paper aims to clarify the modern significance of the quasi-election of board of education members chosen during a 1980’s civic movement. Reviewing this case reveals social mechanisms that reflected residents’ intentions regarding educational goals and the administration of its schools. In this paper, the movement in Takatsuki City is analyzed by reviewing documents, as well as performing interviews with parties involved with the movement. The results of the movement are clarified the following two points: The first point refers to Nakano’s quasi-election of board of education members in Takatsuki City. As a precedence of this type, this paper clarifies features of the ordinance draft and how it was created. The following three features are recognized: (1) In the process of electing a board of education members, there was an attempt to indemnify foreigners’ recommendations and voting rights. (2) The opinion of diverse peoples, including foreigners, was be included via voting. (3) A superintendent of education was appointed to ensure administrative expertise; he/she was elected in a manner reflective of the intentions of the residents. Second, in terms of information distribution and disclosure of any administrative methods, a new initiative by the board of education regarding the disclosure of information to the residents was created. Takatsuki Board of Education oversaw their own publicity and held regular meetings for the Board. Finally, the following two points from this study’s results are instructive as suggestions for contemporary use. First, an effective system of self-government is required, including one that enables foreign residents to express their perspectives on education. To ensure the right to receive education for all citizens, including foreign residents, a mechanism is required to encourage free speech and the expression of educational goals. Second, the development of such an educational environment requires a system in which transparency and efficacy regarding educational management is open to all residents, thus achieving better consensus.}, pages = {83--95}, title = {1980年代高槻市教育委員準公選運動の現代的意義 : 住民運動による教育委員会制度改革構想の挫折と遺産}, volume = {68}, year = {2021} }