@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001863, author = {柴野, 一真 and Shibono, Kazuma and 糟谷, 亮太 and Kasuya, Ryouta and 千葉, 肇 and Chiba, Hajime and 松島, 瑞穂 and Matsushima, Mizuho and 齋藤, 輝 and Saitou, Akira and 国松, 恭平 and Kunimatsu, Kyohei and 嶋, 尭希 and Shima, Takaki and 長谷川, 英夫 and Hasegawa, Hideo and ウィタカ, アンドリュー and Whitaker, Andrew}, journal = {農学国際協力}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿では、2019年9月に開催した国際学生フォーラムで浮上した新潟大学農学部公認グローバル人材育成サークルBRIDGEの持続的な運営に向けた課題と対応方法を(1)民間助成金、(2)人的資源管理、(3)国際協力に係る政府関係機関との連携という視点から述べた。民間助成金では、不採択に至る過程を分析し効果的な申請書作成に言及した。人的資源管理では、リーダーシップならびにスキルという視点から体制づくりを述べた。国際協力に係る政府関係機関との連携では、JICA研修生向けの英語教育コンテンツを本邦大学の学部生・大学院生が活用すること、教育コンテンツの拡充と更新の方策、JICA研修生と日本人学生の協同について提案した。BRIDGEはこうしたノウハウを全国の農学系学部生と共有し、私たちの反省を踏まえて円滑に運営される農学国際協力系学生団体が全国に立ち上がり、未来の農学国際協力人材の礎となる学生版JISNASの構築に向けた契機となることを期待している。, This article describes possible solutions to the challenges of (1) obtaining private grants, (2) human resource management, and (3) cooperation with government-affiliated agencies, which arose at an international student forum held by BRIDGE in September 2019. BRIDGE is a circle for global-minded students, which is recognized officially by the Faculty of Agriculture, Niigata University. We describe reasons why applications for private grants were rejected, and make suggestions for the preparation of more effective applications. Concerning human resource management, we suggest organizational structure of BRIDGE from a point of view of leadership and management skills. In regard to cooperation with government-affiliated agencies, we suggest Japanese university students and graduate students use English educational content for trainees belonging to JICA, and plan for the expansion and renovation of educational contents with collaboration between JICA trainees and Japanese students. By sharing knowledge and experiences with other Japanese agricultural students, we hope that student organizations related to agricultural international cooperation can be founded throughout Japan. This could be an opportunity to build a student version of JISNAS (Japan Intellectual Support Network in Agricultural Sciences) as a foundation for future resources in agricultural international cooperation.}, pages = {67--71}, title = {農学国際協力系学生団体の持続的な運営に向けた課題と人的資源管理}, volume = {18}, year = {2020} }