@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002185, author = {Tamura, Shun and Hoshino, Shintaro and Tanaka, Yukio}, issue = {16}, journal = {Physical Review B}, month = {Oct}, note = {The bulk-boundary correspondence in one dimension asserts that the physical quantities defined in the bulk and at the edge are connected, as well established in the argument for electric polarization. Recently, a spectral bulk-boundary correspondence (SBBC), an extended version of the conventional bulk-boundary correspondence to energy-dependent spectral functions, such as Green's functions, has been proposed in chiral-symmetric systems, in which the chiral operator anticommutes with the Hamiltonian. In this study, we extend the SBBC to a system with impurity scattering and dynamical self-energies, regardless of the presence or absence of a gap in the energy spectrum. Moreover, the SBBC is observed to hold even in a system without chiral symmetry, which substantially generalizes its concept. The SBBC is demonstrated with concrete models, such as superconducting nanowires and a Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. Its potential applications and certain remaining issues are also discussed.}, title = {Generalization of spectral bulk-boundary correspondence}, volume = {104}, year = {2021} }