@inproceedings{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002302, author = {孟, 鷹 and MENG, Ying and 大島, デイヴィッド義和 and OSHIMA, David Yoshikazu}, book = {日本認知言語学会論文集}, month = {}, note = {It has been reported that in some languages (such as Japanese, Chinese, and English), a demonstrative can sometimes modify a noun nonrestrictively (Lakoff 1974 Iori 1994, 1995, Lü 1985, etc.). This paper investigates nonrestrictive modification with anaphoric demonstratives in Japanese, Chinese and English (specifically Japanese kono/sono/ano Chinese zhe/na, and English this/that). In all three languages, anaphoric demonstratives can be used as nonrestrictive modifiers when one of the interlocutors (the speaker or the hearer) does not recognize the referent. When this condition is not met, English this/that contrast with their Japanese and Chinese counterparts, in conveying an emotional or evaluative tone (Lakoff 1974, Bowdle & Ward 1995, Potts & Schwarz 2010). In addition, Japanese anaphoric demonstratives (kono/sonolano) differ from their Chinese and English counterparts in that only the former can modify personal pronouns. This is related to the difference between Japanese and the other two languages in terms of the properties of their personal pronouns. That is, in Chinese and English, personal pronouns rarely occur with modifiers. In contrast, personal pronouns in Japanese are more like common nouns, allowing modification rather freely.}, pages = {376--388}, publisher = {日本認知言語学会}, title = {照応的指示詞による非制限的修飾について : 日中英の比較から}, volume = {19}, year = {2019} }