@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002312, author = {古橋, 健悟 and FURUHASHI, Kengo and 五十嵐, 祐 and IGARASHI, Tasuku}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Psychology and human developmental sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {Help-seeking, defined as actively seeking help from other people, is more adaptive and practical than different coping strategies. This article reviews previous literature on supporter selection in the decision-making process of help-seeking and discusses the general tendency of supporter selection, its exceptional cases, and how people select a helper. We first introduced two theoretical backgrounds for help-seeking from others: the social network theory and the attachment theory. The social network theory hypothesizes that people are likely to seek help from strong ties (i.e., others tied via strong emotional relationships with help-seekers) than weak ties (i.e., others tied via weak emotional relationships with help-seekers). The attachment theory hypothesizes that people are likely to seek help from attachment figures (i.e., significant others such as parents, romantic partners, and close friends). We then illustrate some exceptions to the general tendency explained by these theories. For example, weak ties are considered more effective than strong ties if people need a greater variety of support. Such issues are summarized from the viewpoint of the matching theory of goals and supports. We also consider the effective strategy of supporter selection by decomposing the elements into depth and breadth, the former of which indicates seeking much support from a few people and the latter of which indicates seeking support from many people. Due to the lack of research on supporter selection from these points of view, we conclude that future research should examine what strategies can enhance help-seekers’ adaptation and well-being.}, pages = {17--25}, title = {援助要請における援助者選択に関する研究と展望}, volume = {68}, year = {2022} }