@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002823, author = {王, 雲姣 and Wang, YUNJIAO}, journal = {名古屋大学人文学フォーラム, Humanities Forum, Nagoya University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper considers the characteristics of Japanese psychological verbs from the perspective of tense and aspect. Kudo (1995) classified Japanese verbs into three categories: external motor verbs, internal emotional verbs (corresponding to "psychological verbs" in this paper), and static verbs. And then divided internal emotional verbs into four parts: thinking verbs, emotional verbs, sensory verbs, and perceptual verbs. However, some verbs that belong to the emotional verb or the sensory verb have different properties from the viewpoint of tense and aspect. For example, Kudo (1995) classifies both "Nayamu" and "Yorokobu" into the emotional verb, but " Nayamu " expresses the current emotion in the Ru form, while "Yorokobu " does not express the current emotion in the Ru form. And Kudo (1995) classifies both "Sibireru" and "Itamu" into the sensory verb, but "Sibireru" expresses the current emotion in the Ta form, while "Itamu" does not express the current emotion in the Ta form. In addition, Yoshinaga (2008) and Yamaoka (2000) also classifies psychological verbs, but the classification criteria are ambiguous and inadequate. Therefore, in this paper, we classified psychological verbs into six types from the viewpoint of tense and aspect. And We concluded that psychological verbs are not homogeneous in terms of tense and aspect, but are variants with multiple types.}, pages = {235--250}, title = {日本語の心理動詞のテンス・アスペクト的特徴による分類}, volume = {5}, year = {2022} }