@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02002870, author = {I, Mue}, journal = {Nagoya University Asian Law Bulletin}, month = {Mar}, note = {The spread of modern information technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data has significantly changed the lives of the population. Governments have also introduced policies that utilise information technologies to solve social problems. Because of this change, information derived from the population is considered an essential resource when there is an apparent conflict between the government and the people. Accordingly, the question of how the population's privacy rights should be protected in such a situation has become the focus of recent attention. However, recognition and protection of privacy rights diverges by country, especially depending on political structure, social situation, and cultural basis. First, it is essential to clarify the reality of privacy rights in China, which has entirely different values from Western society. It is true that in recent years, China has established legislation to protect privacy rights and personal information; however, at the same time, the Government of China has introduced modern information technologies such as AI, Big Data, facial recognition systems and gathering personal information on the population (for example, a social crediting system prepared for its introduction and Health Code as a COVID-19 measure). While foreign states criticise such policies as an infringement of privacy, domestic voices in China demonstrate high appreciation. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify how privacy protection and associated specialities have been established. In this paper, the specialities of privacy protection in China are analysed. Unlike Western societies that focus on freedom and dignity within the private sector, China protects the safety of individuals while solving social problems by prioritising public welfare.}, pages = {3--22}, title = {Establishment of Privacy Rights in China and its Specialities}, volume = {7}, year = {2022} }