@misc{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003765, author = {石川, 明 and Ishikawa, Akira}, month = {Sep}, note = {Tonic immobility (TI) and open field (OF) tests were conducted on chicks at 0-1 days old in six native Japanese chicken breeds (IG, NAG, OSM, TJI, TKU and UK) and two lines of White Leghorn (WL-G and WL-T). Raw data for each behavioral trait are presented in tables., 日本鶏6品種(IG, NAG, OSM, TJI, TKU, UK)と白色レグホーン2ライン(WL-G, WL-T)の初生雛を用いて不動状態(TI)とオープンフィールド(OF)テストを行った。各形質の生データを表に示す。}, title = {Behavioural data for tonic immobility and open field traits in eight breeds of chickens}, year = {2022} }