@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02003948, author = {古殿, 真大 and FURUDONO, Shinta and 澤田, 涼 and SAWADA, Ryo and 藤川, 寛之 and FUJIKAWA, Kanno and 内田, 良 and UCHIDA, Ryo}, issue = {1}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Educational Sciences}, month = {Oct}, note = {Currently in Japan there is widespread acceptance of the importance of consultation for parents and victims of bullying. Most previous studies have focused on the perpetrators of bullying and the other witnesses around them yet have rarely examined the victims. This paper focuses on issues of normative awareness, the gender of secondary school students, and other issues which may affect the potential to gain opportunities to seek consultation. The analysis revealed two points. First, it was found that people were more likely to seek advice about bullying if they had internalized norms that were compatible with the subject of the consultation. Secondly, gender differences were observed with this tendency. Boys were found to be more likely to consult with teachers, irrespective of their affinity norms with adults. Girls were found to associate norms with aspects of the particular consultation, except for those consults with school nurses.}, pages = {115--127}, title = {中学生の規範意識といじめの相談 : ジェンダー差を踏まえた相談先の検討}, volume = {69}, year = {2022} }