@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02004324, author = {杉村, 泰 and Sugimura, Yasushi}, journal = {東アジア日本学研究}, month = {Sep}, note = {日本語の補助形容詞「~て死にそうだ」、副詞「死ぬほど~」、中国語の補語“~得要死”はいずれも当該の事態の程度が極めて高いことを表す。しかし、先行研究ではその違いが明確に記述されていない。そこで本稿では「現代日本語書き言葉均衡コーパス(BCCWJ)」と「北京大学CCLコーパス(CCL)」を利用して、これら3つの形式と共起する表現の特徴を見た。さらに類義語の「~てならない」、「~てたまらない」、「~てしかたがない」、「たまらなく~」、「おそろしく~」、「信じられないほど~」、“~得不得了”、“~得受不了”、“~得要命”とも比較して、これらの形式の共起語の違いを明らかにした。, Japanese subsidiary adjective “- te shikataganai”, Japanese adverbial use of adjective “shinuhodo” and Chinese complement “- de yaosi” all used to express the strength of the event, but the difference among these three expressions is not clarified in preceding studies. To clarify the difference among these three expressions, a survey of Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese (BCCWJ) and Center for Chinese Linguistics PKU Corpus (CCL) was conducted, and it was examined what kinds of predicates typically co-occurs with them. Survey results showed a clear difference of the typical uses of these three expressions. Moreover, compared with synonym such as “- te naranai”, “- te tamaranai”, “- te shikataganai”, “tamaranaku”, “osoroshiku”, “shinjirarenaihodo” , “- de budeliao” , “- de shoubuliao”, “- de yaoming” it also showed the typical co-occurrence with predicates.}, pages = {85--98}, title = {日本語の「~て死にそうだ」、「死ぬほど~」と中国語の"~得要死"の対照研究}, volume = {4}, year = {2020} }