@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005051, author = {松本, 大輔 and MATSUMOTO, Daisuke and 中本, 順 and NAKAMOTO, Jun and 成瀬, 文博 and NARUSE, Fumihiro and 山田, 実 and YAMADA, Minoru and 小池, 晃彦 and KOIKE, Teruhiko and 押田, 芳治 and OSHIDA, Yoshiharu}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Apr}, note = {Purpose: Hamstring injuries are common among rugby football players. The aim of this study was to identify whether body composition or body function is associated with the hamstring injuries and whether any parameters are predictive of athletes at risk of a recurrent hamstring injury. Methods: Nine players with previous hamstring injury (PI group) and 32 players without injury (control) were recruited from a university rugby team. Body composition, range of motion, strength, jumping ability and balance capacity were measured. New occurrence of hamstring injuries was recorded for six months. Results: Recurrent hamstring injuries were found in 6 players (66.7%) in the PI group and none (0%) in the control group for the observation period. There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to range of motion, strength, jumping ability or balance capacity. Regarding body composition, the ratio of muscle volume of the lower extremity to the whole body (p=0.014) and to the trunk (p=0.024) were significantly lower among recurrent players in the PI group than those in the control group. Conclusions: The ratios of muscle volume of the lower extremity to the whole body and to the trunk may be useful as predictors for recurrent hamstring injury.}, pages = {25--29}, title = {大学ラグビー選手の身体組成・運動機能とハムストリングスの肉離れとの関連}, volume = {32}, year = {2009} }