@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005062, author = {岡本, 敦 and OKAMOTO, Atsushi and 鶴原, 清志 and TSURUHARA, Kiyoshi and 船橋, 孝恵 and FUNABASHI, Takae and 横山, 慶子 and YOKOYAMA, Keiko and 水藤, 清志 and SUITO, Hiroshi and 池上, 康男 and IKEGAMI, Yasuo and 山本, 裕二 and YAMAMOTO, Yuji}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {We developed a feedback system of motor imagery and actual performance. For the visualization of motor imagery, we used a puppet-type motion-capture system with 3D animation software. To create computer graphics from actual movement, we captured the actual movement by digital video and analyzed the movement using motion-analysis software. We converted the kinematics of the movement to the BVH format to create computer graphics of actual movements. The movements of dart throwing were examined using this system, and learners of the game could compare their own motor imagery to their actual performance. This feedback system should be useful in motor-learning processes.}, pages = {43--49}, title = {運動イメージと遂行動作のフィードバックシステム}, volume = {31}, year = {2008} }