@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005077, author = {佐々木, 万丈 and SASAKI, Banjou and 西田, 保 and NISHIDA, Tamotsu and 渋倉, 崇行 and SHIBUKURA, Takayuki}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {The present paper reports the cognitive appraisal of interpersonal stressor among students in physical education classes of junior high school. Students (N=447) responded to 26 items which were developed based on previous studies of cognitive appraisal dimensions. Factor analysis revealed 4 cognitive appraisal factors that consisted of 19 cognitive appraisal items. These factors were named "threat and effect", "controllability", "worth of challenge", and "prospect". In addition, ANOVAs clarified that female students (N=242) showed a tendency to make a closeup of "threat and effect" significantly than male students (N=226). Moreover, it became clear that 2nd grade students (N=146) assessed the controllability of the interpersonal stressor significantly negative than 1st grade students (N=75), and evaluated the worth of challenge significantly unfavorable than 3rd grade students (N=226). The results support the suggestions of cognitive appraisals to stressors appearing multidimensionally and being under the influence of personality differences.}, pages = {29--36}, title = {体育授業中の友人ストレッサーに対する認知的評価}, volume = {30}, year = {2007} }