@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005108, author = {堀田, 典生 and HOTTA, Norio and 片山, 敬章 and KATAYAMA, Keisho and 佐藤, 耕平 and SATO, Kohei and 孫, 志虎 and SUN, Zhihu and 山本, 親 and YAMAMOTO, Chikashi and 中塚, 正博 and NAKATSUKA, Masahiro and 石田, 浩司 and ISHIDA, Koji}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to clarify whether the intake of oxygenated water before the start or exercise had an influence on cardiorespiratory responses during exercise. Ten male university long distance runners participated in the present study. We adopted a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled and crossover design for this experiment. The measurements of cardiorespiratory parameters such as oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide output, expired minute ventilation, arterial oxygen saturation, heart rate and exhaustion time during submaximal and maximal exercises were performed during a treadmill running test. Subjects consumed either the placebo, 350 ml of plain water, or 350 ml of water with an enriched oxygen content of 30 ppm within 15 minutes before the start or the test. As for maximal oxygen uptake and exhaustion time, significant differences were not detected in the measurements between subjects who drank oxygenated water and those who took the placebo [mean (SD) 68.8 (3.2) vs 69.0 (3.4) ml/kg/min, 566.7 (35.2) vs 570.4 (42.0) s]. The other variables also did not show any significant differences. These results suggest that the consumption of oxygen enriched water before exercise could not affect cardiorespiratory responses during exercise.}, pages = {23--27}, title = {酸素充填水摂取は運動時の呼吸・循環応答に影響を及ぼすか?}, volume = {28}, year = {2005} }