@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005132, author = {林, 圭介 and HAYASHI, Keisuke}, journal = {JunCture : 超域的日本文化研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study, focusing on how Haruki Murakami has learned world literature from reading not an original but its translation, examines the significance of ‘metamorphosis’ in Murakami’s “Samsa in Love” (2013). It demonstrates Murakami’s literary involvement with non-English translations of his works. “Samsa in Love” is based on a famous work of world literature, Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. According to Murakami, the text is a sequel to Kafka’s work; however, Murakami was exposed to a Japanese translation. The paper focuses on three dimensions: a brief history of interpreting The Metamorphosis by Murakami, Murakami’s ‘metamorphosis’ in “Samsa in Love”, and the context of globalising his version of The Metamorphosis. First, the paper offers a brief history of how Murakami has read and written about Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, to clarify his reason for choosing the different themes and settings. It reveals that Murakami has interpreted it as a story about being just an “ordinary” person. Second, the paper examines how “Samsa in Love” depicts the metamorphosis of “a little woman” into “semushi no onna [a hunchback woman]”. According to Murakami, this expression is non-usable in contemporary Japan for political incorrectness; however, he used it as her main charming characteristic. Murakami questioned the use of the untranslatable word in her metamorphosis. Third, the paper focuses on the three English versions of “Samsa in Love”. International readers reading its English translations perceive the different meaning of Murakami’s original, like Murakami does reading the translated version of The Metamorphosis. The paper clarifies that Murakami created the meaning of metamorphosis in his learning of Kafka’s translation. In “Samsa in Love”, the transformation from a human into an “ordinary” person is impossible to translate from the original. By reading world literature in translation as a learner, Murakami deviates from the themes and settings in his creation., ファイル差し替え(2023/3/20)}, pages = {110--120}, title = {世界文学の〈変身〉 : 村上春樹『恋するザムザ』論}, volume = {14}, year = {2023} }