@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005183, author = {藤木, 理代 and FUJIKI, Kotoyo and 石黒, 洋 and ISHIGURO, Takaharu and 永井, 賢司 and NAGAI, Kenji and 成瀬, 達 and NARUSE, Satoru and 近藤, 孝晴 and KONDO, Takaharu}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {Leptin in the hypothalamus plays a critical role in maintaining normal food intake and body weight. Genetic variation at the leptin receptor gene may play an important role in the obesity. Although hyperleptinemia is associated with obesity, the mechanism is not clearly understood. Therefore we examined the polymorphism (Gln223Arg) and the leptin levels in the obese people to evaluate whether polymorphism in the leptin receptor gene is related to the hyperleptinemia. We found that in the elderly women the Gln223 was associated with hyperleptinemia.}, pages = {85--87}, title = {高齢肥満者におけるレプチン受容体遺伝子多型の意義}, volume = {26}, year = {2003} }