@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005342, author = {加藤, 真紀 and KATO, Maki}, journal = {名古屋高等教育研究, Nagoya Journal of Higher Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は、日本の大学における教育活動の重視を受けて、大学教員の教育力がいかに問われているのかを定量的に把握することを目的とした。具体的には、研究者のキャリア支援のためのポータルサイトJREC-INの2001 年から2020 年までの大学教員を対象とした公募データ約20 万件を用いて、応募項目に「模擬授業」や「シラバス」が出現するデータを分析した。この結果、期首は両変数ともに1%程度だったものが徐々に増加し、期末には各23.07%と6.75%であることが分かった。2015 年から2020 年までの公募で模擬授業やシラバスを求める割合は、国公立大学に比べて私立大学や短期大学で多い。また人文社会分野は自然科学分野に比べて圧倒的に多く、職階別に見ると、准教授・常勤専任講師の公募で最も多い。無期雇用の公募では有期雇用よりも高い確率で教育力が求められるが、この傾向は助教職に顕著であり、教授や准教授・常勤専任講師では任期の有無でほぼ変わらない結果も一部で示された。, This study identifies the changes and characteristics of educational competencies in an open requirement for faculty in Japan. Using the data from 2001 to 2020 of JREC-IN, a portal site for career support for researchers, this study analyzes the frequency of the term “mock classes” and “syllabus” being listed in the application items regarding the appearance of educational competencies. The results reveal that both variables gradually increased from about 1% at the beginning of the period to 23.07% and 6.75%, respectively, at the end of the period. The percentage of mock classes and syllabi requested in the recruitment from 2015 to 2020 differed among types of universities, subjects, and ranks; It was higher at private universities and junior colleges than at public universities. Humanities and social sciences were also overwhelmingly more common than natural sciences, and associate professors and full-time lecturers were requested more often than other ranks of recruitment. The results also showed differences by rank and tenure, such as that more applicants for the tenured position were sought to show educational abilities than others for fixed-term positions, while the tendency was not confirmed in the associate professors and full-time lecturer positions.}, pages = {207--226}, title = {大学教員に求められる教育力 : JREC-IN公募データによる把握の試み}, volume = {23}, year = {2023} }