@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005411, author = {上向, 貫志 and UEMUKAI, Kanshi and 竹之内, 隆志 and TAKENOUCHI, Takashi and 奥田, 援史 and OKUDA, Enji and 桂, 和仁 and KATSURA, Kazuhito}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {Previous studies about sports spectators have suggested that the degree of identification with the team was more influential for the viewing behavior of spectators than the team's win-loss record. But the factors which related to identification forming with the specific team have never examined in detail. Thus the main purpose of this study was to clarify what factors were related to a spectator's identification with a specific team. Especially, we were interested in why some spectators identify with weak teams. So we examined such phenomena on a hypothesis: Spectators who strongly identified with weak teams couldn't enhance self-esteem by sharing the team's victory but could enhance their social identity by belonging support groups of the team , so they continued to identify with the weak team. Subjects were six hundred and nine spectators of the Japan professional football league. The degrees of identification with the team and social identity were measured by "Sport Team Identification Scale" and "Social Identity Scale," respectively. Using these scales, the data were analyzed by statistically. The main findings were summarized as follows: 1. A factor in predicting the viewing behavior of spectators was not the team's win-loss record but the degree of identification with the team as previous research had shown. 2. lnfluential factors to the degree of the spectator's identification with a team were: a home-town location and belonging to Supporter Groups. 3. The impact of the team's win-loss record on the extent of spectator's identification with the team differed depending on the spectators' geographical variable. Where the spectators lived didn't influence the degree of the spectators' identification for the strong team, but was very influential to the weak team. 4. The degree of social identity did not relate to either the team's win-loss record or whether the spectator belonged to supporters group. So social identity was found not to influence the identification with the team, which was different from our hypothesis.}, pages = {39--45}, title = {Jリーグ観戦者における同一視の形成に影響を及ぼす要因}, volume = {19}, year = {1996} }