@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005414, author = {秦, 真人 and HATA, Mahito}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to explain a part of the following viewpoint: 1) Theoretical structure and characteristic of his theory. 2) The relation between "nihon-shintou-ron" and his theory of physical educations. This study was investigated by analyzing the "GAKURIN" (magazin of GAKUYUKAI) and newspaper in the Meiji-showa era. As a results of this study, it made clear that the relation between his "nihon-shintou-ron"' and his theory of physical educations.}, pages = {57--66}, title = {日比野寛の体育思想に関わる一考察 : 「日本臣道論」と体育論との関連について}, volume = {19}, year = {1996} }