@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005418, author = {島岡, 清 and SHIMAOKA, Kiyoshi and 釣, 佳代子 and TSURI, Kayoko and 江上, みゆき and EGAMI, Miyuki and 市川, 理恵子 and ICHIKAWA, Rieko and 海老沢, 結華 and EBISAWA, Yuka and 林, 喜代治 and HAYASHI, Kiyoharu}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {A two-month health promotion program including four times practice or healthy cooking and exercise was carried out for 40 middle-aged women (52.9 ± 8.0 years) with hyperlipidema. The participants were requested to avoid high dietary fat, cholesterol and a snack between meals, and recommended to have a exercise especially walking in their every day life. Physical activity was measured by the pedometer method. After two months, body weight, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol were decreased significantly. HDL-cholesterol and body fat were not changed, but the obese with more than 30% body fat showed significant decrease in their body fat. An intake of calorie, dietary fat, carbohydrate, cholesterol, salt and snacks were all decreased significantly. Physical activity measured by the pedometer was not changed, but relatively inactive group with less than 8000 steps per day at joining to that program, showed significant increase in their every day activity. These results suggest that it is possible to form a healthful habits in eating and exercise, and to improve hyperlipidemia in middle-aged women through these kind of short term program.}, pages = {91--96}, title = {高脂血症者に対する健康増進指導の効果 : 四日市市保健センターにおける実践例}, volume = {19}, year = {1996} }