@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005538, author = {江頭, 智宏 and EGASHIRA, Tomohiro}, issue = {2}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Educational Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {Rudolf Nicolai (1885-1970) was a top leader of the Schullandheimarbeit (activities in rural school hostels) of Nazi Germany. Based on an analysis of his memoirs written in 1960, this research paper discusses Rudolf Nicolai’s thoughts regarding Nazi World War II and the Schullandheimarbeit that functioned under the Nazi regime. This research confirms that Nicolai remained in approval of the Nazi economic and employment policies and was not in complete disagreement of the Nazi ideology. However, Nicolai criticized aspects of Germany in World War II and disapproved of the Holocaust with its indiscriminate killing of innocent people, which he described as “inhuman barbarity.” However, the following points illustrate that Nicolai’s understanding of Nazi and World War II was far from an acknowledgement of Vergangenheitsbewärtigung (overcoming the past). 1) In spite of his positive involvement in the Nazi Germany, Nicolai regarded himself as a true victim of Nazi and World War II. This may be considered part of his strategy to emphasize how Schullandheimarbeit suffered from the attacks of the Hitler Youth. 2) Nicolai criticized World War II from a humanitarian aspect and stressed the importance of ceasing expansion of the Schullandheimarbeit. Furthermore, as shown below, Nicolai did not criticize the Schullandheimarbeit during the period of the Nazi era. 1) Nicolai evaluated Schullandheimarbeit simply as the increase in the number of Schullandheim in the Nazi era. Therefore, to Nicolai, the control of the state by the Nazi regime in 1933 was not a critical turning point in the history of Schullandheimarbeit. 2) Nicolai evaluated positively the expansion of Schullandheim to Austria and Sudeten under the Nazi regime. He prioritized the expansion of Schullandheim and did not speak out against the Nazi regime’s invasions. 3) Nicolai took pride in his contributions towards the evacuation of children during World War II. He did not, however, emphasize the Nazification of children during the evacuations. People like Nicolai, who continued social activities in Nazi Germany, eluded any historical recognition leading up to the Vergangenheitsbewärtigung after World War II. Furthermore, he insisted on demanding recognition for his own “achievements,” as well as the justifications for his actions occurring during Nazi Germany.}, pages = {55--65}, title = {第二次世界大戦後におけるルドルフ・ニコライの歴史認識について : ナチス体制下における学校田園寮活動の指導者として}, volume = {69}, year = {2023} }