@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005543, author = {Ismailov Khusanboy Makhammadkosim ugli}, issue = {2}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 教育科学, Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education and Human Development. Educational Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {Lesson Study, an increasingly popular professional development method that involves a group of teachers working collaboratively on a jointly- prepared research lesson, has received little attention in Uzbekistan. This research hopes to identify the potential for using the Lesson Study program while taking into consideration local problems in its execution; this should clarify the importance of LS, even at an initial application. The participants of the study are three mathematics teachers and two 5th graders, totalling 38 students. In the LS exercise, one teacher leads the lesson while the other teachers make observations of student behavior and lesson methodology. After the first lesson, the teachers discuss the lesson and students are asked for their opinions regarding it. Changes are made based on the discussion and suggestions, and a new lesson is presented to the next group of students at the same level with the same follow-up discussion and opinion gathering afterwards. This research shows that utilizing LS for a mathematics lesson with real life examples arouses great interest in the students and renders a positive effect towards the improvement of the students’ mathematics knowledge. Additionally, LS experience proves a positive tool for professional development; most teachers found the exercise meaningful.}, pages = {111--121}, title = {Possibilities and Challenges of Applying Lesson Study in Uzbekistan}, volume = {69}, year = {2023} }