@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005860, author = {西田, 保 and NISHIDA, Tamotsu and 天野, 彰夫 and AMANO, Akio and 西田, 紀江 and NISHIDA, Norie}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {To investigate determinants of achievement motivation for learning in physical education, this study mainly examined relationships between the achievement motivation and parent-child relationship. Subjects were 255 junior high shoolboys and girls, and their parants. They were tested strength of the achievement motivation for learning in physical education, the parent-child relationship, number of brothers/sisters or friend, birth order, and so forth. To assess the achievement motivation for learning in physical education, the Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test (AMPET) developed by Nishida was used. The AMPET, a self-report questionnaire, consists of seven subscales named as learning strategy, overcoming obstacles, diligence and seriousness, competence of motor ability, value of learning, anxiety about stress-causing situations, and failure anxiety. respectively. In view of the data presented in this study, low correlations were found between the AMPET and parent-child relationship. The testing range or situations of the AMPET were limitted in physical education, but those of the scale to measure parent-child relationship were general. Such testing difference of the two scales would reduced the correlations between the AMPET and the parent-child relationship. Number of brothers/sisters and birth order did not effect on the AMPET scores. Those who had many friends, however, showed significantly high tendency to achieve success and low tendency to avoid failure. For the next step, further investigations have to concentrate on considering the environmental or social factors (past experience in physical activity, involvement in sport, and so forth) which determine the strength of the achievement motivation for learning in physical deucation.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {体育における学習意欲と親子関係との関連性}, volume = {13}, year = {1990} }