@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005911, author = {西田, 保 and NISHIDA, Tamotsu}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {As the first step to develop a scale to measure achievement motivation for learning in physical education, the main aim was to test whether some differences of the factor structure of the motivation between teachers and students would be found or not. A questionnaire consisting of 54 items concerning the motivational factors in physical education was administered to 387 teachers and 739 students belonging to elementary, junior high, and high schools, respectively. The questionnaire was constructed under consideration of previous researches on achievement motivation and motivational researches in physical education. The subjects were asked to evaluate, on the questionnaire with seven-point rating scales, behavioral characteristics of pupils who were assumed to be highly motivated to learning in physical education. for extracting the factors, the principal factor solution with normal varimax rotation was applied to the 54 X 54 correlation matrix. Six factors were extracted from the all teachers and named as follows: learning strategy, diligence and seriousness, overcoming obstacles (positive attitude toward learning), anxiety, competence of motor ability, and value of learning. On the other hand, four factors were detected from the all students and named learning strategy, overcoming obstacles (desire for physical practice), diligence and seriousness, and competence of motor ability. The extracted factors from the teachers and students in each school were partly different. Generally interpreted, however, it seems that remarkable differences between teachers and students in each school were not to be found in relation to the main factors. The teachers showed somewhat multiphasic factor structures as compared to the students. It was considered that such differences could be affected by various experiences in life for the teachers. Finally, a discussion was held concerning the necessity of making a diagnosis of types of pupils having high achievement motivation for learning in physical education.}, pages = {1--12}, title = {教師および生徒からみた体育における学習意欲の因子構造}, volume = {10}, year = {1987} }