@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02005918, author = {西田, 保 and NISHIDA, Tamotsu}, issue = {1}, journal = {総合保健体育科学, Nagoya Journal of Health, Physical Fitness & Sports}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study attempted to construct a questionnaire of achievement motivation for learning in phisical education and examined typology of the motivation. The subjects were schoolboys and schoolgirls belonging to elementary, junior high, and high schools. respectively. After item analysis and factor analysis of test items concerning the motivational factors in physical education, AMPET (achievement motivation in physical education test) consisting of 56 items was constructed. The AMPET had seven sub-scales and these were named and interpreted as follows : "learning strategy", "overcoming obstacles", "diligence and seriousness", "competence of motor ability", "value of learning", "anxiety about stress-causing situations" , and "failire anxiety". Each sub-scale contained 8 items, respectively. Cronbach's α coefficients for the AMPET were very high. Two clusters were shown as a result of cluster analysis fur the AMPET. One contained "learning strategy", "overcoming obstacles", "diligence and seriousness". "competence of motor ability", and "value of learning". Another contained two anxiety sub-scales. The former was interpreted as tendency to achieve success or positive tendency of motivation, and the latter as tendency to avoid failure or negative tendency of motivation. Based on combination of the strength of these two tendencies, the possibility of classifying the subjects into each type of motivation was indicated.}, pages = {47--60}, title = {体育における学習意欲の尺度構成と類型化の検討}, volume = {10}, year = {1987} }