@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02006856, author = {木方, 洋二 and KIKATA, Yoji}, issue = {5}, journal = {木材学会誌}, month = {Sep}, note = {The reduction of strength due to the slope of the grain (aim at the slope of growth ring) was observed and discussed in relation to the slope grade (2/100~10/100). 1) Compression parallel to the grain. The reduction of maximum crushing strength was not particularly sharp. The reduction was limited to only 4% at the maximum. Significant strength reductions were observed at 8/100 and 10/100 compared with other slope specimens (one contained no slope). Between other moderate slope specimens and the no slope one, there were no significant strength reductions, but there was a difference of the crushing strength between outer side (bark side face) and inner side (inside face) of the sharp (over 4/100) slope specimens, and all crushing occurred at the growth ring boundary of inner side of wood (Table 1. Fig. 1, 2). 2) Tension parallel to the grain. There was a sudden strength reduction at between 4/100 and 6/100 slope specimens. In the sharp slope specimens (6, 8, 10/100 slope specimens), tensile ruptures occurred in storied form along the fiber direction ; but in the moderate slope specimens normal tensile ruptures throughout the fiber occurred. ln the sharp slope specimen, the destruction was decided by the maximum shearing strength parallel to the grain, and the storied form rupture along the fiber direction was like the shearing rupture (Table 2, 5. Fig. 3). 3) Static bending. In static bending tests, loading at outer side and inner side of the flat sawn side, and loading at quarter sawn side of wood were undertaken. In tests of loading at the outer side of the flat sawn side and loading at the quarter sawn side of the sharp slope specimens (6, 8, 10/100 slope of the grain), the storied form shearing ruptures occurred along the fiber directions. And in tests of loading at outer side, the work reduction was very sharp. In tests of loading at inner side of specimen, the compression failure was preceding at the inner side (loading side), and the last rupture was a small tensile one along the fiber direction, because the crushing strength of the inner side was weaker compared with the outer side's one (Table 3, 4, 5 Fig.4, 5)., 年輪を目安とした2/100~10/100の繊維傾斜材の試験を行なった。圧縮試験では傾斜による強さの低減は少なく8/100, 10/100の傾斜において有意の減少がみられるが4%の涙少に止る。引張試験では4/100と6/100の傾斜の間において急激な強さの低下を示す。6/100以上の傾斜材では繊維方向にそった破壊がおこり,傾斜の少ないものでは通常の引抜けをともなう引張破壊を示すことによる。これはこの範囲の傾斜の大きさでは繊維にそった剪断応力による破壊が強さを決定するからである。曲げ試験においては木表側荷重および柾目面荷重試験では6/100以上の傾斜材では引張側の繊維方向にそった剪断応力は引張試験の時と同様に材の剪断強さに達し,破壊は剪断破壊形を示す。木裏側荷重では傾斜材の木裏側の強さが本表側に比し小さいため圧縮破壊が先行し見かけの曲げ強さは大きくなる。とくに傾斜の大きい材での圧縮破壊の進行は著しく最終的な破壊も引張側での繊維にそった小さな破壊に止まる。}, pages = {191--196}, title = {構造用材の強さ低減に関する研究 (第2報) : 繊維傾斜について}, volume = {15}, year = {1969} }