@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02009666, author = {佐野, 瑞穂 and SANO, Mizuho and 須賀, 永帰 and SUGA, Eiki and 明田, 卓巳 and AKEDA, Takumi and 岡村, 太路 and OKAMURA, Taro and 片田, はるか and KATADA, Haruka}, journal = {名古屋大学博物館報告, Bulletin of the Nagoya University Museum}, month = {Mar}, note = {2023年10月に「ホネホネサミット2023」が2日間にわたり大阪市立自然史博物館にて開催された.名古屋大学博物館に関わる大学院生有志でブースを出展したため,その展示内容とイベントの詳細について報告する., “Hone Hone Summit 2023” was held in October 21st and 22nd, 2023 at the Osaka Museum of Natural History. We participated in the summit and presented a display at a booth set as a volunteer group of graduate students studying at Nagoya University Museum. We report the contents of the exhibition and the details of the event.}, pages = {39--45}, title = {「ホネホネサミット2023」参加報告}, volume = {39}, year = {2024} }