@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02009753, author = {加藤, 真紀 and KATO, Maki}, journal = {名古屋高等教育研究, Nagoya Journal of Higher Education}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿の目的は東京都の公立大学(東京都立大学)教員の公募における競争の実態を明らかにすることである。2019年度から2021年度までの111件の公募に対する平均応募数は約15件であり、この中には183件など極端に応募数が多い公募も含まれていた。競争倍率は理学部(平均応募数46.00)で高く、健康福祉学部(同3.69)で低いなど分野によって異なる。また教授職や准教授職の競争倍率は助教職の約3倍など、職階によっても異なる。教授職では昇任人事が8割弱を占めるなど、公募数の少なさによる影響も推察される。任期のない公募の競争倍率は高いが、同公募の多くは教授職や准教授職で占められるなど職階による影響が考えられる。さらに応募数が極端に多い、もしくは少ない公募の特徴を見たところ、分野と職階が関係することが示された。これら結果は東京都での大学立地が影響すると考えられるため、他大学の事例研究を通じてより広範な知見を蓄積する必要がある。, This study analyzes the competition for faculty positions offered through open recruitment by a public university in Tokyo. The average number of applications was approximately 15, which was received for each of the 111 open positions in the academic years 2019‒2021. This was influenced by an exception such as 183 applications for a position. The competitiveness of the applications differed by discipline and position. The field of science received the highest average number of applicants (46.00), whereas health received the lowest (3.69). The number of applications for professor and associate professor positions was nearly three times that for assistant professor positions. In the case of professors, the level of competition may be high as most appointments are for promotions, with the number of open positions approximately 20%. There were fewer applications for nontenured positions, especially for assistant professors. The relationship between fields and job classifications explains the extremely large or small number of openings. The results may have been influenced by the location of the university in Tokyo, a hub of higher education institutions. Therefore, subsequent studies are required to verify these results.}, pages = {181--202}, title = {大学教員公募における競争 : 東京都の公立大学教員採用選考を事例として}, volume = {24}, year = {2024} }