@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:02009962, author = {盧, 建 and LU, Jian}, journal = {名古屋大学人文学研究論集, The Journal of Humanities, Nagoya University}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article primarily explores the syntactic representation of the word “给” (“gei”) in two versions of the Gospel of John in Mandarin Chinese, focusing on the features of causative and passive expressions. It delves into the evolution of the function of “给” in Standard Mandarin (Beijing dialect) while also discussing the foundational dialectal issues related to its composition. The following two preliminary conclusions are drawn: 1. There is no pure causative usage of the word “给” in Standard Mandarin; its causative meaning is conferred by the dative construction. 2. The tendency towards consistency in causative and passive categories in both versions and the divergence in beneficiary constructions reflect the competition and integration of Beijing Mandarin in the later stages of the Qing Dynasty as it gradually replaced the standard language status of Nanjing Mandarin. These two versions serve as mirrors of each other, belonging to the category of the common language of the time.}, pages = {215--229}, title = {《约翰传福音书》中所见给予、使役、被动 : 兼及南、北官话版之基础方言问题}, volume = {7}, year = {2024} }