@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020355, author = {長谷, 正博 and 中田, 滉 and 仲野, 䔈 and NAGATANI, Masahiro and NAKADA, Hiroshi and NAKANO, Minoru}, journal = {Proceedings of the Research Institute of Atmospherics, Nagoya University}, month = {Mar}, note = {雷放電による電界変化の多点観測のために電々公社専用回線を用いたデータ伝送システムの基礎開発を行った。1979年11月・12月に石川県宇の気町周辺で行った多点観測中に、このシステムを用いた試験観測を行った。遠隔観測点(金沢市-花園)での電界変化は100マイクロ秒毎にデジタル化されて、いったんメモリーに記憶され、1200ボー規絡の公社専用回線で主観測点(字の気)に伝送された。字の気で、このデータは日付・時刻と共に磁気テープに書き込まれた。システムの制御は両観測点でマイクロコンピューターを用いて行った。誠験観測の結果、このシステムは雷放電による電界変化の多点観測に十分使用可能であることがわかった。, Data transmission system with a telephone line was developed for the observations of the electric field changes due to lightning discharges. Preliminary observations were made around Unoke near Kanazawa in the winter of 1979. A far station, Hanazono, was linked to the main station, Unoke, with a telephone line. The data of the electric field change at Hanazono were digitized every 100 μs to store in the memory, and these were sent to Unoke by a telephone line of 1200 baud. The received data at Unoke were recorded on the magnetic tape together with the date and the time. System controlls were carried out with single-board microcomputers at both stations. It was confirmed by preliminary observations that the system was usable for multi-station observations of the electric field change.}, pages = {109--114}, title = {雷放電による電界変化観測データの公社専用回線を用いた伝送システム}, volume = {27}, year = {1980} }