@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002045, author = {丸井, 文男 and MARUI, Fumio and 蔭山, 英順 and KAGEYAMA, Hidenori and 神野, 秀雄 and JINNO, Hideo and 後藤, 秀爾 and GOTO, Shuji and 細野, 純子 and HOSONO, Junko and 生越, 達美 and OGOSHI, Tatsumi and 水野, 真由美 and MIZUNO, Mayumi and 伊藤, 義美 and ITO, Yoshimi and 譲, 西賢 and YUZURI, Saiken and 内田, 一成 and UCHIDA, Issei and 都築, 繁幸 and TSUZUKI, Shigeyuki and 山田, 紘正 and YAMADA, Kosho and 加納, 敏子 and KANO, Toshiko}, journal = {名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育心理学科}, month = {Oct}, note = {This research is the third report that attempted with a view to analyze adjustment processes to groups of 6 autistic children at middle and older grades in the elementary school. For this purpose, two instruments were used. One is NAUDS (Nagoya University Autistic Child's Developmental Scale), a rating scale as to autistic syndrome in play therapy. The other is NAGA (Nagoya University Autistic Child's Group Adjustment Scale), a rating scale on which adjustment of autistic children are rated through our member's discussions based on teacher's descriptions conceming the child's behavior in school group situations. We examined the relations between NAUDS and NAGA; the state of group behavior, the practice of guidance, the comprehensive faculty of subjects, the intellectual potentialities and peculiarity of thinking mode. The results are as follows : 1) In the three viewpoints (friend relationships, relationships with teachers, learning attitudes) based on the relation between two instruments, adjustment processes were classified into three clusters. 2) Adjustment processes to groups were quite different by the comprehensive faculty of subjects and the intellectual potentialities in proportion as autistic children grows older grades in the elementary school. 3) In the present conditions of educational system for autistic children at the elementary school in Japan, there has been many doubtful problems to be solved., 国立情報学研究所で電子化したコンテンツを使用している。}, pages = {151--179}, title = {<原著>自閉児の集団適応に関する研究 (3) : 知的・学習能力と適応過程}, volume = {23}, year = {1976} }