@inproceedings{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020509, author = {Tanaka, Kazutoshi and Evers, Michael B.}, month = {Apr}, note = {Although the Japanese term "kyo-iku" is translated into English as "education," significant differences exist between the two terms. A new term, "ergonagy," has been advocated to help integrate the Japanese concept of kyo-iku and the Western concept of education. "Ergonagy" is formed from the Greek terms "ergon" (work) and "agogos" (lead). Ergonagy describes education that leads to or promotes an individual's occupational, vocational, and professional potential. Although ergonagy recognizes differences in academic studies and vocational applications and differences between pedagogy and andragogy, it also recognizes and emphasizes the synergy that exists between each set of concepts. Defined as the art and science of helping people learn to work, ergonagy supports a continual blending of academic and vocational education for improved work opportunities throughout individuals' lives, whether in one or several careers. The principles underlying the concept of ergonagy and the need for anergonomic perspective can be understood better by examining the evolution of Japan's human resource system and its similarities to and differences from the U.S. human resource development system. Because it subsumes andragogy and pedagogy, ergonagy can make international dialogue, research, and studies of kyo-iku and education clearer and more defined., Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society (43rd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 14-18, 1999). For another study on ergonagy, see CE 079 789., ERIC Number;ED438465}, publisher = {ERIC : Education Resources Information Center}, title = {Ergonagy : A New Concept In The Integration Of Kyo-Iku And Education}, year = {1999} }