@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020515, author = {青谷, 法子 and 田中, 萬年 and 飯田, 博 and 三宅, 章介 and AOYA, Noriko and TANAKA, Kazutoshi and MIYAKE, Akiyuki and IIDA, Hiroshi}, journal = {職業能力開発総合大学校紀要 : B人文・教育編}, month = {Mar}, note = {The distinction between education and training has not been clearly drawn because these two concepts are so closely related to each other. This study investigated the result of judgment tests administrated to 530 students of this university, 120 training specialists of a Vocational Training Institute in A-Prefecture, and 172 university students majoring in education. They were given 50 different types of learning contents and situations, which can be observed at companies in Japan, and were instructed to make a judgment whether each situation could be defined as either education or training, or both. According to the statistical analysis of judgment patterns, training specialists tend to regard learning contents as 'educational', whereas students majoring in education tend to regard them as 'training'. Students of this university tend not to draw clearer dividing lines between training and education than others. Categorical Principal Component Analysis also showed similar tendencies. It was also indicated that the students' understanding of education and training change through their stages of development. By comparing the students' judgment patterns by grade, eight different changing patterns were found. The results have some implications for the students' identity, and will contribute to clarify the position and significance of this university in the future.}, pages = {1--23}, title = {学生の「教育」と「訓練」の認識に関する研究 : 本校学生のキャリア形成に伴う認識の変化を中心にして}, volume = {33}, year = {2004} }