@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020766, author = {土屋, 祐子 and Tsuchiya, Yuko}, journal = {メディアと社会, Studies in Media and Society}, month = {Mar}, note = {Digital Storytelling (DST) is a workshop-based media expression practice involving laypeople’s thoughts, family memories, and everyday lives. Generally, the storytellers create a two-to three-minute video clip called a “Digital Story,” which combines their voiceovers with photographs. DST began in California, US, in the 1990s, and DST practices have spread around the world and into diverse fields such as education, museum archiving, civic journalism, therapy, advertising, and local oral history. By reviewing the mechanism of this global diffusion, I examine the dynamics of the DST workshops that facilitate these cross-frontier activities. DST has been diffused based on the willingness and ingenuity of people. Participants of a DST workshop often transformed into its facilitators and organizers. They then held new workshops based on their own contexts: localities, professions, customs, and interests. Such practitioners transform the workshops' design and develop diverse practices. Moreover, DST workshop processes have generated interactions between facilitators and storytellers through the activities to create and share individual stories. These interactive experiences have deepened the understanding of others. DST participants could become transformative agents who were interested in others and actively involved in community and social development., 国際シンポジウム『デジタル・ストーリーテリングの可能性』(2014年11月30日、名古屋大学東山キャンパス文系総合館)}, pages = {77--84}, title = {世界で広がるデジタルストーリーテリング : 越境し変容するメディア実践}, volume = {7}, year = {2015} }