@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020769, author = {舟木, 紳介 and Funaki, Shinsuke}, journal = {メディアと社会, Studies in Media and Society}, month = {Mar}, note = {The new global definition of social work was adopted by the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) in 2014. Although promotion of social cohesion and respect for diversities in terms of cultural citizenship was additionally included in the new definition, social work studies on practical levels are still under development. Since 1990s, community arts organisations in western countries such as UK, Canada and Australia have developed community engagement projects for migrants or people with disability through digital media production. It is important to develop the collaboration method between artists and social workers to promote cultural citizenship for social minority groups. In 2010, Diversity digital media project team was organized to promote community engagements between local community and social minority groups such as migrants in Fukui, Japan. Various locals, such as media artists, migrant support professionals, social workers, university students supported migrant youth and people with disability and helped them create a digital media production through workshops such as a two day farm-stay camp, a short film making, digital storytelling from 2010 to 2013. I conducted both participant observation and interviews with participants to understand the ways in which minority participants and local Japanese interact with each other through the use of digital media. This paper explores two key questions by using a case study of Digital Media Camp in Imadate 2011 for migrant high school students migrated from China and Brazil with their family. First, I examine how digital media can be employed for community engagement between migrant youth and the local community and how it can help them achieve cultural citizenship. Second, this paper examines how local Japanese participants perceive their attitude-change process in real encounters with minority groups in Fukui through the use of digital media., 国際シンポジウム『デジタル・ストーリーテリングの可能性』(2014年11月30日、名古屋大学東山キャンパス文系総合館)}, pages = {103--111}, title = {ソーシャルワーク実践(社会福祉実践)におけるデジタルメディアの活用}, volume = {7}, year = {2015} }