@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020846, author = {坂野, 裕洋 and 沖田, 実 and 鈴木, 重行 and 井上, 貴行 and 吉田, 奈央 and 小林, 山依 and 高浪, 美香 and 林, 綾子 and BANNO, Yasuhiro and OKITA, Minoru and SUZUKI, Shigeyuki and INOUE, Takayuki and YOSHIDA, Nao and KOBAYASHI, Yui and TAKANAMI, Mika and HAYASHI, Ayako}, issue = {2}, journal = {理学療法学}, month = {Apr}, note = {【目的】本研究では,ラット後肢のギプス固定モデルを用いて,再荷重前の温熱負荷が再荷重による筋線維損傷に及ぼす影響を検討した。【方法】ラット43匹を対照群と両側足関節を4週間ギプス固定した後に再荷重を行う再荷重群,再荷重の2日前に温熱負荷を行う温熱群に分け,再荷重開始から0,1,3日目に採取したヒラメ筋を材料に,壊死線維の発生頻度,筋線維横断面積の分布状況,ならびに熱ショックタンパク質(Heat shock protein;以下,Hsp)70含有量を検索した。【結果】全ての検索時期で対照群に比べ再荷重群と温熱群は壊死線維の増加と筋線維横断面積の減少を認めた。また,3日目の再荷重群は温熱群や他の検索時期と比べ壊死線維の有意な増加を認めた。Hsp70含有量は0日目のみ温熱群が再荷重群より有意に高値を示した。【結論】再荷重前に行う温熱負荷は,ギプス固定後の再荷重によって生じる筋線維損傷の発生を軽減する可能性があり,これは再荷重時の骨格筋内におけるHsp70含有量が影響していると推察された。, Background: The purpose of the present study was to determine whether heat stress is preventive for muscle fiber injury induced by reloading after immobilization in rat soleus muscle. Methods: Forty-three male 8-week-old Wistar rats were used. Rats were divided randomly into control (C, n=15), immobilized followed by normal recovery (IR, n=14), and immobilized followed by heat stress before reloading (IH, n=14) groups. Bilateral ankles of each rat in the IR and IH groups were fixed in full planter flexion with a plaster cast for 4 weeks. Immediately after 4 weeks of immobilization, reloading was allowed for rats in the IR group. Rats in the IH group were first exposed to heat stress (41℃ for 60min) in an incubator under anesthesia 2 days before reloading. At 0, 1 and 3 days after reloading, both soleus muscles in all groups were excised and weighed. Frozen sections of these muscles were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, the number of necrotic muscle fibers was counted, and muscle fiber diameters were measured. Moreover, Hsp70 contents in muscle tissue were measured by using the Western blot method. Results: Immediately after remobilization, Heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 levels were significantly increased in IH groups compared with IR groups. Muscle fiber atrophy was seen in IR and IH groups. In 3 days after reloading, the number of necrotic muscle fibers was significantly increased in IR compared with IH groups. Conclusions: The present findings suggest that heat stress prior to reloading induces expression of Hsp70 and leads to protective effect against soleus muscle injury induced by reloading after immobilization.}, pages = {33--40}, title = {ギプス固定後の再荷重によるラットヒラメ筋の筋線維損傷に対する温熱負荷の影響}, volume = {36}, year = {2009} }