@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021569, author = {近藤, 弘明 and 小田, 昌宏 and 古川, 和宏 and 宮原, 良二 and 廣岡, 芳樹 and 後藤, 秀実 and 北坂, 孝幸 and 森, 健策 and Kondo, Hiroaki and Oda, Masahiro and Furukawa, Kazuhiro and Miyahara, Ryoji and Hirooka, Yoshiki and Goto, Hidemi and Kitasaka, Takayuki and Mori, Kensaku}, issue = {146}, journal = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MI, 医用画像}, month = {Jul}, note = {CT像を用いた大腸検査はCTコロノグラフィと呼ばれ,近年広く行われている.これにより発見された病変に対して,大腸内視鏡を用いて治療が行われるが,治療の際に大腸内に挿入された大腸内視鏡の先端位置を把握することは困難であり病変を見落とす恐れがある.そこで本稿では,CT像および磁気式位置センサを用いて大腸内視鏡の先端位置を推定する手法を提案する.本手法では,最初に3次元腹部CT像から得られる大腸内腔を通る曲線(大腸芯線)を抽出し,磁気式位置センサから大腸内視鏡の形状を表す曲線(内視鏡線)を推定する.次に,大腸芯線を用いて解剖学的に特徴のある点(特徴点)を抽出し,抽出した特徴点から座標系間の位置合わせを行う.その後,大腸芯線から抽出された特徴点および内視鏡線に沿った長さを用いて大腸芯線上の各点に内視鏡線上の各点に対応付ける.本手法を大腸ファントムに適用し,大腸芯線に沿った長さにより大腸内視鏡先端の対応付け誤差を計測したところ,大腸の変形が小さい部位では平均15.8mmと良好な精度が得られた., Recently, colon diagnosis method using CT volume, which is called as CT colonography, is widely used. Lesions found by CT colonography can be resected by using colonoscope. However, understanding a colonoscope tip position while inserting it to the colon is difficult. In this paper, we propose an estimation metod of a colonoscope tip position in the colon using abdominal CT volume and electromagnetic position sensor. Firstly, we extract a curve passing the center of lumen (colon centerline) from abdominal CT volume. We obtain a curve that represents the shape of the colonoscope (colonoscope line) by using electromagnetic sensors attached to the colonoscope. We extract anatomical feature points (landmarks) from the colon centerline and register the two coordinate systems utilizing landmarks. Then, we make correspondences between points on the estimated colonoscope line and the colon centerline by using the length along the colonoscope line and the landmarks. We applied the proposed method to a colon phantom and measured correspondence errors of the colonoscope tip. The errors were measured as the length along the colon centerline. The experiment results showed that the average error was 15.8mm at the sections where the colon does not show large deformation., IEICE Technical Report;MI2013-24}, pages = {27--32}, title = {3次元腹部CT像および磁気式位置センサを用いた大腸内視鏡トラッキング手法の開発}, volume = {113}, year = {2013} }