@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021573, author = {森, 健策 and 小田, 昌宏 and 林, 雄一郎 and 二村, 幸孝 and MORI, Kensaku and ODA, Masahiro and HAYASHI, Yuichiro and NIMURA, Yukitaka}, issue = {410}, journal = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MI, 医用画像}, month = {Jan}, note = {本稿では,2013年8月27,28日に名古屋大学で開催した小中高生向け講座「3Dプリンターで臓器モデルを作ろう!」について述べる.本講座は,これからの医療を支える最先端の医用画像処理と医用画像可視化技術の一つである3Dプリンタを,初中等教育の生徒に体験・理解してもらうとともに,その中から当該分野を何らかの形で担う人材が出てくることを期待して企画されたものである.名古屋市内から総計12名の参加者を得て,好評のうちに終了した.本論文では,この講座の開催概要について報告する., This paper describes the seminar report of "Let's make organ model by 3D printer!" organized for elementary, junior and high school students. This seminar was organized for promoting primary and secondary education students to experience advanced medical imaging technique and 3D printer technology, which is considered as one of new technologies of medical image visualization. The seminar was also designed to promote students to join our community to advance medical imaging technology. We also expected attendees will join our community to advance medical imaging technology. We had twelve attendees living in Nagoya city and completed the seminar with great success. This paper reports this seminar by showing the seminar program and several photographs., IEICE Technical Report;MI2013-88}, pages = {175--180}, title = {小中高生向け講座「3Dプリンターで臓器モデルを作ろう!」開催報告}, volume = {113}, year = {2014} }