@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021614, author = {松野, 裕 and 山本, 修一郎 and MATSUNO, Yutaka and YAMAMOTO, Shuichiro}, issue = {496}, journal = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. KBSE, 知能ソフトウェア工学}, month = {Mar}, note = {システム保証のための手法・ドキュメントとしてアシュアランスケースが注目を集めている。アシュアランスケースのグラフィカルな表記法としてGSN(Goal Structuring Notation)などが提案されており、いくつかのツールが開発されている。しかしGSNの定義は、曖昧なところが多く、より高度なツールの機能の実装が困難である。本論文では、GSNの標準的な定義であるGSN Community Standardの基本的な形式化を試み、それを元にしたモジュール機能などのツール拡張機能の試験実装を報告する。, GSN (Goal Structuring Notation) is a graphical notation widely used to construct assurance cases, which are required for the system assurance of safety critical systems specially in Europe, and now worldwide as the importance of system assurance has been growing and several safety standard such as ISO26262 mandates the use of safety case (assurance case for system safety). The syntax and extensions for module and patterns have been defined in GSN Community Standard [8]. In this paper we report our preliminary implementation partly satisfying the syntax in [8]. The prototype implementation has been done on D-Case Editor, an Eclipse based assurance case editor. The prototype implementation is also available from the webpage [13]. Among syntax defined in[8], we have implemented "away goal" and "module node" as the basis for the module system, together with parameters with scope and pattern instantiation function which are extensions of our previous work ([14], [15]). Due to some ambiguity in[8], several design choices could exist In this paper we report our design choice for the prototype implementation., IEICE Technical Report;KBSE2012-81}, pages = {73--78}, title = {アシュアランスケースツールへのプログラミング言語技術の適用}, volume = {112}, year = {2013} }