@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021720, author = {新渡戸, 紗都 and 山田, 純生 and 作井, 大介 and 成澤, 正宏 and 田中, 裕子 and 清水, 優子 and 河野, 裕治 and NITOBE, Sato and YAMADA, Sumio and SAKUI, Daisuke and NARUSAWA, Masahiro and TANAKA, Yuko and SHIMIZU, Yuko and KONO, Yuji}, issue = {3}, journal = {理学療法学}, month = {Jun}, note = {【目的】本研究の目的は,LFF(low frequency fatigue)の評価指標(他動的筋出力)の再現性を検討することである。【方法】健常女子学生13名を対象とした。LFFは一般的には異なる周波数の電気刺激(electrical stimulation,ES)に対する他動的筋出力が指標とされる。本研究におけるLFFの評価指標は,15Hz,100HzでのES時の他動的筋出力とした。日内再現性は15Hz,100Hzでの刺激を1セットとしたものを5分の間隔をおき2回行い,それぞれの他動的筋出力を比較し,日間再現性は2-3日の間隔をあけ2回行い,同様に他動的筋出力値を比較検討した。【結果】日内再現性のICC_<1.1>は,15Hz: 0.977, 100Hz: 0.985であった。日間再現性のICC_<1.1>は, 15Hz: 0.833, 100Hz: 0.874であった。Bland-Altmanグラフにおいては,100Hzの日内再現性のみ系統誤差が認められた。【結論】今回の結果から,LFFを評価する指標(他動的筋出力)は日内,日間ともに高い信頼性を得られ,LFFの評価指標としての有用性を確認した。, Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the test-retest reliability of muscle torque response to electrical stimulation (ES) which applied to evaluate low frequency fatigue (LFF). Subjects and Methods: Thirteen healthy female university students were recruited in this study. LFF is typically measured by recording the torque responses to different frequencies of ES. We used 15Hz and 100Hz ES. The reliability of the torque responses to ES at 15Hz and 100Hz on same-day were assessed by two ES sessions conducted five minutes apart. The reliability of the torque responses to ES at 15Hz and 100Hz between-day were also assessed by two ES session conducted within 2-3 days between the sessions. Results: The ICC_<1.1> was 0.977 for same-day comparisons and 0.833 for between-day comparisons at 15Hz ES. The ICC_<1.1> was 0.985 for same-day comparisons and 0.874 for between-day comparisons at 100Hz ES. A Bland-Altman 95% limit of agreement test showed no systematic variation in 3 of the 4 test observations; systematic variation was only observed in the 100Hz ES on same-day. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that the evaluation index of LFF could be considered as a reliable measure, and confirmed usefulness of torque responses to ES for evaluation index of LFF.}, pages = {146--152}, title = {Low Frequency Fatigueの評価指標に用いる他動的筋出力の再現性}, volume = {37}, year = {2010} }