@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021735, author = {五藤, 大介 and 山里, 敬也 and モンゴル, バヤルプレブ and GOTO, Daisuke and YAMAZATO, Takaya and MONGOL, Bayarpurev}, issue = {289}, journal = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. RCS, 無線通信システム}, month = {Nov}, note = {本研究は,高速移動環境下での時間-周波数分散通信路おいて生じるシンボル間干渉(ISI)とキャリア間干渉(ICI)の低減に対して有効とされている陪直交周波数分割多重(BFDM)と.Wavelet Based OFDMとの特性比較を行う.ISI,ICIは信号のパルス形状に大きく依存する.BFDMはパルス設計の自由性が高いことから,時間-周波数制限性の高いガウスパルスを用いることで干渉低減を行うことができる.また,Wavelet Based OFDMはウェーブレットを基底関数とした伝送方式であり,干渉低減に有効とされている.本研究では,BFDMのガウスパルスの最適化を送受信機パルスの不確定性関数の比を最大化することで行い,Wavelet Based OFDMとの特性比較を行う., In this paper, we conduct a comparison between the Biorthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (BFDM) and the Wavelet Based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) in terms of intersymbol interference (ISI) and intercarrier interference (ICI) reduction in highly mobile environments with assumed time-frequency dispersive channels. ISI and ICI depend largely on the pulse shaping of the signal. BFDM can reduce the signal interference by applying a Gaussian pulse known as a properly localized time-frequency pulse with adaptable characteristics. On the other hand, Wavelet Based OFDM is known to lower interference due to its wavelet basis. In this paper, we propose an optimization method for the Gaussian pulse in BFDM to minimize ISI/ICI by maximizing the ratio of the ambiguity function. In addition, we compare its performance with BFDM and Wavelet Based OFDM., IEICE Technical Report;RCS2011-204}, pages = {91--95}, title = {高速移動環境下における最適なガウスパルスを用いた陪直交周波数分割多重とWavelet Based OFDMとの干渉特性比較}, volume = {111}, year = {2011} }